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Nov 19, 2021
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eWriting an essay and submitting it within the right time could give you enough trouble. Imagine if you had to deal with essay criticism too – well, there are certain things that we cannot escape; and this one such thing. If you can learn to take the criticism that is give to you in your stride, there is no doubt that you will soon emerge as a good writer. Points on which criticism can be given 1/ Format This is the most common point on which teachers or guides offer points of criticism to students. For instance, there are many who would not follow the rules of placing all the components of an essay in the right order. Every bit of writing should have an intro, a body and then a conclusion. If you are not sure about the order in which the various components are to be presented, there is every chance you will face a lot of essay criticisms. In order to avoid any kind of correction on this count, please go through the samples on our paper writing service; they are good indicators for writers – both old and new. 2/- The lingo This is the second point that you need to watch out for. Let us imagine that you are writing an essay which is an argumentative one on abortion. You are trying to put forth a point of view and you need to really watch what you say. You could present the strongest of views without antagonizing anyone and this is what you might be criticized for if you are not careful. This is true whether it is a simple essay or a complicated Ph D dissertation; either way, make sure you don’t mess things up with bad or rude language. 3/- Content On a point like this, essay criticism can come from any quarter. For instance, if you are going to write on the issue of female feticide in India, you need to make sure that you have some updated facts. This is not a topic that can be easily identified with by many students. This is a practice that is prevalent in India where having a male offspring is given a lot of importance. Read: . You could therefore concentrate on the social implications in your essay writing. In order to make it more effective put in statistics of female feticide over the last ten years and also mention the efforts taken by various organizations to reduce the same. Are essay criticisms still worrying you? If you think that your writing is good, please send it to We will proofread, edit and polish it for you so that there is no question of criticism where your essay is concerned. Since our proofreading team is thorough in every aspect of academic writing, there is no way that a mistake will miss our eyes. So, please take advantage of the services that we offer. You are certainly going to be quite happy with the outcome and pleased about the amount we charge too. Related resources: How to start your own life: all about how to leave your parents and where to get money for it Top Professions Related to Travelling Around the World LEARN HOW TO WRITE AN ESSAY ABOUT DAD? Essay according to the rules Essay according to the rules. Genre Essay
Essay criticisms could get you down – take them with the right spirit content media


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